A man wearing white khaftan on a podium holding a microphone, with a banner in his background with peace inscribed on it

IPCR Boss delighted over Launch of WPS Nigeria Website

On behalf of the Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, I bring you greetings on the launch of the Women, Peace and Security in Nigeria (WPS) website today.

The importance of the development of this website cannot be over-emphasized given the numerous challenges faced by women all over the world in the areas of leadership, peace and security and their efforts to change the narratives on women. Evidently, advocacies for gender inclusion in leadership and peace processes have significantly impacted the present level of awareness of existing gaps and challenges in gender roles.

The website will provide a vista of the different perspectives to efforts and their geographic spread, amplifying women’s voices through the visibility it would give women issues and also facilitate solidarity by men and women to enhance the status of women in the field of leadership, peace and security

However, most of women’s contributions in terms of field intervention; their agency in dialogue and mediation, conflict prevention, management and resolution, conflict violent extremism (CVE), terrorism, Displacement, arms de-proliferation, sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), restorative justice, human trafficking, civil-military relationship, peace keeping/peace support operations, post-conflict reconstruction, Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation and Reintegration (DDRR), remain largely unknown because of a lack of coordinating mechanism and a platform that can identify institutions, agencies and organizations’ thematic areas of focus.

The website is thus expected to provide a vista of the different perspectives to these efforts and their geographic spread, amplify women’s voices by the visibility it would give women issues and also facilitate solidarity by men and women to enhance the status of women in the field of leadership, peace and security. As the world celebrates 25 years of UNSCR 1325, this WPS website by the UN Women in Nigeria adds impetus to the successes by Nigeria in its struggles for the promotion of the inclusion of women in peace and security in Nigeria.

Once again, congratulations, we assure all stakeholders of IPCR’s positive response to uplifting and promotion of equity and gender equality in peacebuilding.

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