WANEP to hold conference on UNSCR1325
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WANEP to hold commemorative eConference on UNSCR1325

In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of UNSCR1325, WANEP Nigeria in collaboration with Women Radio (WFM 91.7) will hold an eConference titled “Understanding the Current Realities on the Implementation of the UNSCR1325 in Nigeria”.

On October 31, 2000, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1325, calling on member states to support women’s participation in peace negotiations and post-conflict reconstruction, to take action to prevent violence against women and girls, to respect women’s rights and mainstream gender in all work around peace and security. 

Seven years after Nigeria’s adoption of  a National Action Plan (NAP), progress in implementation has been minimal. Women remain underrepresented in decision-making peace processes, violence against women and girls is still rife and very few states have action plans (SAPs) to advance the women, peace and security agenda. 

In this light, the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) Nigeria through its Women in Peacebuilding Network (WIPNET) program has continued to align with the clear focus of Nigeria’s National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 to ensure increased participation of women in decision making and peacebuilding processes.

WANEP Nigeria recently conducted a national study of the current realities on issues of women, peace and security. The national survey assessed the implementation of  UNSCR 1325 in the country and highlighted implementation progress and gaps at the national and sub-national levels.

There is an increasing need to assess implementation, identify gaps and recommend effective engagement of women in peacebuilding; and the virtual conference will bring to fore, the outcome of the national survey on current realities of women, peace and security in Nigeria.

You can join the eConference holding on the 2nd of November by 11am WCA, via the following link: https://zoom.us/j/99052098026?pwd=ZmtXaWJNUnFIOWc1Y1l3ZFozWWtkQT09

 You can also join the conference by using the following ID:

Zoom Meeting ID: 990 5209 8026
Passcode: 194596

NB: At the end of the meeting, a token of N5,000 will be paid to you to cover cost of Internet Services and communications. 

Please confirm your availability to attend the meeting by emailing Patience Ikpeh-Obaulo  – patelvis4u@yahoo.com


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