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Publications, web articles and resources for you.

Mid-Term Evaluation: Programme on Women, Peace and Security in NIgeria

Mid-Term Evaluation: Programme on Women, Peace and Security in NIgeria

Benue State – Baseline Factsheet

Over July – August 2019, Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (IPCR) undertook a baseline assessment on women’s participation in peace and security mechanisms.

Assessment of Gender in the Judicial Sector of Nigeria

Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN) examines the levels and quality of gender mainstreaming, as well as the existence of internal mechanisms to prevent, detect and address gender discrimination in the recruitment, performance and advancement of women in the judicial sector in Nigeria

Nigeria’s Legislative Guide on Women, Peace & Security

This Guide provides direction to the Nigerian Legislature (National Assembly and State Houses of Assembly) on their role in supporting the UNSCR 1325 agenda. Specifically, it provides information to legislators on the global women, peace and security agenda and how it applies to Nigeria.

Assessment of Gender in the Security Sector in Nigeria

Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN) examines the levels and quality of gender mainstreaming, as well as the existence of internal mechanisms to prevent, detect and address gender discrimination in the recruitment, performance and advancement of women in the security sector in Nigeria

HeForShe: Impact of Covid-19 on Masculinities

This Guide provides direction to the Nigerian Legislature (National Assembly and State Houses of Assembly) on their role in supporting the UNSCR 1325 agenda. Specifically, it provides information to legislators on the global women, peace and security agenda and how it applies to Nigeria.

Benue Mediation Process

The launch of the HD Dialogue Process in Benue state is the product of behind-the-scene shuttle diplomacy efforts, consultations and pre-mediation preparations which have spanned well over a year, and which predated the outbreak of violence between farmers and pastoralists in Benue state

WPS Localization ToolKit

From Best Practice to Standard Practice: A toolkit on the Localization of the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women and Peace and Security.

Planning for Action on WPS

UN-INSTRAW, International Alert and OSAGI have prepared this review to support the formulation, implementation and monitoring of national action plans on resolution 1325, leading to the 10th anniversary of UNSCR 1325.

Developing a NAP

Development and Implementation of National Action Plans on UNSCR 1325 and Related Resolutions: A Guideline.

Farmer-Herder Conflict - Policy Brief

Policy Brief on the Impact of Farmer-Herder Conflict on Women in Adamawa, Gombe & Plateau States of Nigeria.

WPS - Lessons from Nigeria

Nigeria Stability and Reconciliation Programme (NSRP) published this paper, to contribute to knowledge on WPS implementation in Nigeria.